The almost perfect level 1 CFA® exam study guide

If you have spent any time around this blog, you will know that I do not believe purchasing a level 1 CFA® exam study guide is a strict requirement in order to pass the test. In most cases however, if you are strapped for time and not deterred by the price tag,...
CFA® Charterholder Salary Expectations

CFA® Charterholder Salary Expectations

Is it realistic to expect a CFA® charter related salary hike once you have earned the 3 letters next to your name? For a lot of people the primary motivation for getting a good education is job security and a better salary. But a lot of well educated underemployed...

Why use flashcards?

Why should you use flashcards when studying for the CFA® exam? Most of us can find more fun things to do with our time than writing and revising flashcards, but they are super efficient when attempting to drill the most important concepts into our brain and even more...

How to study for the level 1 CFA® exam

I know this headline can come across a bit patronizing/arrogant. I clearly do not believe that there is only one effective way to study for the level 1 CFA® exam, this post does however outline a super efficient approach to study for the level 1 CFA® exam. If you are...
2015 changes to the level 1 CFA® exam curriculum

2015 changes to the level 1 CFA® exam curriculum

The curriculum is updated every year for the June test which makes it super important that you are not relying on dated study aids. This year the changes to the level 1 CFA® exam curriculum are more dramatic than usual as the number of readings has been reduced and...