Week 7 (December 2014)

Last week hopefully provided a little bit of a breather, this week we are going to step it up again. I do realize that it is extremely difficult to keep up the enthusiasm week after week as you press through this program. In many ways the psychology needed to finish...

Week 6 (December 2014)

Let’s take a minute to appreciate how far we have come in this process already. If you have been following the actions outlined in this series so far you have worked your way through more than a third of the curriculum already. The diagram below illustrates your...

Week 5 (December 2014)

I hope last week wasn’t too heavy? If it is any consolation last week was the most extensive in terms of curriculum pages, so if you managed to get through the material it is all going to be downhill from here. If you are still missing a bit there is no need to...